Tuesday, April 10, 2012

No Privacy Allowed: Just wanted to a quick posting before I went groce...

No Privacy Allowed: Just wanted to a quick posting before I went groce...: Just wanted to a quick posting before I went grocery shopping for the evening, I was just thinking when being a parent all privacy is out t...
Follow me on twitter @deezNutts_ I hope u laugh when you see my name : )

I'm a children's aurthor, but i'm an adult who is grown, if you take my parenting advice then go ahead, but I do not hold nothing back.  If your a horrible parent then your just a horrible parent,  if your bank account is set at 0.00 but you went to the club last weekend and slept passed 12pm the next day and skip making your kids breakfast then this is for you. 

I guess this something like a PSA, we busting parents out, sort of... in a blogging type way, if you know someone who does what I just stated above, don't be afraid to tell me how you fell...lol cause that shit foul...lol